The TRACE Matrix Data Browser: Frequently Asked Questions

The Matrix Data Browser is an online tool for sorting and grouping the data from which the TRACE Bribery Risk Matrix scores are derived.

The Matrix Data Browser can be used to identify trends and patterns that may be relevant in understanding each country’s risk environment.

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The TRACE Bribery Risk Matrix is based on data obtained from leading public interest and international organizations, including the United Nations, the World Bank and the World Economic Forum. The Matrix Data Browser allows users to examine that data directly alongside the derived Matrix scores.

Yes, the Matrix Data Browser is publicly available at no charge.

No registration is required to use the Matrix Data Browser. Those who are interested in learning more about TRACE and its services are invited to provide their contact information on the landing page.

A country’s “basis” represents how much data we have about that country. If all of our data sources have complete information about that country, it receives a score of 1.000; if data is available for only three-quarters of the variables (for example), the basis score will be 0.750.

“Deviation” is a way of standardizing each score’s relative degree of risk. It represents the number of standard deviations by which the score differs from the average score over all countries, with negative deviations signifying less risk and positive deviations signifying more risk. The deviation scores are color-coded to give a quick visual impression of the associated risk level.

We have scaled all of the variables that appear in the trendline charts so that up always corresponds to an increase in bribery risk, and down always corresponds to a decrease in bribery risk.

The Bribery Risk Typology is a qualitative approach to understanding bribery risk. It exists in concert with the TRACE Bribery Risk Matrix, which offers a more quantitative approach. It presents users with groups of countries with similar bribery risk profiles so that they can make more informed business decisions regarding business bribery risk. For more information on how to interact with the Bribery Risk Typology, see its tab in the TRACE Matrix Data Browser.


TRACE is a globally recognized anti-bribery business organization and leading provider of cost-effective third party risk management solutions. Members and clients include almost 400 multinational companies headquartered worldwide. For more information, visit